Friday, November 14, 2008

Ivy Field day?

Todays field day at my school Ivy,and I'm supposed to be there now but it's so windy that I'd get sick from allergies and had to stay at home. =/ My friend Stephanie did to so when I finish cleaning the house she can come over!YAYSERS!=D We're probably gonna spend the entire time playing Tales of Vesperia and chatting.
Bad news being I fell asleep at past 11 'o clock last night. I made the mistake of reading one of my favorite horror novels, Jade Green, at about ten. And its got this ghost hand thing so I kept seeing my hands shadow and spazzing out. Plus when I finished and went to turn off the light,my dog started barking like crazy and I freaked out. Go figure.
Note to all it concerns-Horror stories,good.But bad at night. -_-'
Who else is gonna see the James Bond movie Quantom of Solace tonight? i know I am!:D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to go see the new james bond. I also made the mistake of watching a J-Horror film Ju-On ^^;